Out of the blue, I received an email from Nancy Nadel’s office inviting me to come to a community meeting to discuss a possible name change for the Alice Arts Center.
Naturally, it conflicts with the Cultural Affairs Commission Meeting, which is this:
- Monday, March 19, 2004
City Hall Council Chambers
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza
Oakland, California - apparently it streams or you can find watch it on cable television (KTOP)
- no agenda received yet, or perhaps I’m backlogged
But it would be ideal to clone oneself and go to this:
- Monday, April 19, 2004
6:30 to 8pm
Alice Arts Center
1428 Alice Street
Conference Room A - Please come to the Alice Arts Center to discuss the idea to possibly changing the name of the center to honor the memory of Malonga Casquelourd.
- For more information, please contact the Office of Councilmember Nancy J. Nadel at 510-238-7032,
via email at jtena@oaklandnet.com, or write aliceartscenter@hotmail.com.
and that.