10 events found.
Mukaiji-kai (霧海箎会)
Second Act 1727 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesJoe Lasqo’s convening of Deep Listening practitioners and neogaku kaiju
$5 – $10
ubRadio Salon: Dyemark
http://dfm.nu/ Chakra Chimp Studios, Alameda, CA, United Stateselaborate rigs and monumentally-sized instruments you cannot see
Berlin Duo Plus One
Luna Cafe 1414 16th Street, Sacramento, CA, United StatesWith visiting violinist Jeff Young and revisited duo subset of Thingamajigs Performance Group
RITUAL 1 Reprise
Center for New Music 55 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA, United Stateswith visiting violinist Jeff Young and revisiting ritual one of ninety-five
$10 – $15
Ritual 4-6: ascent
San Francisco City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CAnumbers four, five and six of ninety-five
The Other World Cycle: Visions of the Kalevala
Finnish Hall 1970 Chestnut Street, Berkeley, CACD release of Rent Romus' new work based on the Finnish 19th-century work of epic poetry
$10 – $15