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clouds from a crumbling giant

Joe Goode Annex 401 Alabama Street, San Francisco

suddenly there is nonbeing | work in progress at sfiaf


ubRadio Salon: 33 1/3 Chakra Chimp Studios, Alameda, CA, United States

developing a practical slow-speed microgroove

ubRadio Salon: 808 state Chakra Chimp Studios, Alameda, CA, United States

resting in the intersection of critical success and commercial failure

solo electronics :: collective projection

Peacock Lounge 552 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Jurassic electronics | hand held projections | free mason hospitality

avec djll

Temescal Art Center 511 48th Street, Oakland, CA, United States

Music for movement brought to stationary people

bigge cittae orchestrae

NorCal Noise Fest

The last act of the last day on the last (online) stage because that's how we do

with records


feeling expansive in radio station basements

avec diamond

Temescal Art Center 511 48th Street, Oakland, CA, United States

an intentionally musical duet that doesn't include walking across in the inside of a storefront window 840 times

Psychobotanikon: Less is More

New Mission Yoga 2415 Mission Street, San Francisco, United States

My chance to perform a solo for mushroom tea party. Your chance to drink mushroom tea.

solo electronics :: collective projection

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts 701 Mission Street, San Francisco

bass drum cinema | Jurassic electronics | hand held projections
