This just in….a link to the arts town hall blog as captured by Carla Light: http://clairelight.typepad.com/seelight/
My take? A good step on a long road to addressing some of the issues facing us. There were a good many people there for a work day; there were also a good many people missing. The World Cafe format of dialogue was provocative and made it necessary for people to mix – a good thing! We could have used more time. Kudos to all the folks that set it up, and here’s hoping the conversation continues and the word spreads even farther. Paul Flores did some amazing pieces that hopefully got everyone thinking! LZ 12/3/08
continue the conversation:
join bay area artists, organizations, and leaders thinking and acting around cultural participation.
build upon recent convenings in san francisco, san jose and oakland
tuesday december 2
oakland scottish rite center
first floor ballroom
1547 lakeside drive | oakland
event is free but space is limited
rsvp by nov 18 to http://bayareaculturalparticipation.eventbrite.com
for questions please contact bayareaculturalparticipation@gmail.com
collaborators include east bay community foundation, san jose office of cultural affairs, theatre bay area, the san francisco foundation, grants for the arts / san francisco hotel tax fund, helicon collaborative and the wallace foundation